Hello and welcome to our first blog post! We are Abbigail & Jacqueline Stuebs with JAR Landscaping, LLC. With a little inspiration from a friend (whom is a fellow blogger) we have decided to create this blog for all of you. We are excited to begin this experience and to share with you everything we have learned and experienced. We will write about everything from how-to's to product reviews, and even stories we have had and will have along our journey of building up a successful lawn and landscape company!
So who exactly are we?
We are twin sisters from Athens, Illinois. We formed JAR Landsaping, LLC on our eighteenth birthday in May 2017. We both share the similar passion of improving lawns and landscapes in our community. We are currently attending Southern Illinois University Carbondale to obtain a BS in Horticulture with a concentration in Landscape Horticulture. As of right now, it is only the two of us operating the company and we provide various lawn & landscape services, some of which include mowing, mulching, trimming, bed installs, and much more! Our company strives for the highest quality for our clients' properties. This is why at JAR Landscaping LLC, you will see double- the quality. We have goals to increase our client base and hire on employees in the next few years, so we will be taking you along on our journey!
Not only do we have a passion to improve landscapes, but we have a passion to connect with and be actively involved in our community. When we started up our company, we knew it would be a must to participate in some sort of philanthropy project. Last year, we had two philanthropy projects.
One project was for Adopt a US Soldier (AAUSS) & Project EverGreen's GreenCare For Troops (GCFT) program. With AAUSS, we sent weekly letters and packages to a soldier over seas during their entire deployment period (roughly 8-9 months) and with GCFT we mowed a lawn for free the entire season for the family of a deployed soldier. We also held a quarter auction to raise money and awareness for both organizations.
The second project was for JDRF Type 1 Diabetes. We participated in a one walk for the organization and collected some money to donate to JDRF.
We aren't stopping there though! This year we are planning on raising money and awareness to help protect the bees. We haven't found a particular organization to donate to yet, but we will update you in a later post. With this we may also try to talk to someone at a local bee farm? We don't know exactly what we will do, but we will be sure to do something to help this cause!
We can't wait to show you what the future holds for JAR Landscaping LLC!